Sunday, 14 July 2013

Engine's in... again.

Wow, the engine keeps getting heavier, harder on my back.
Wasn't certain it would fit with the head on it . Was concerned the new rear engine mount location might interfere, but it goes in.

Once more out and back in after we fit a new pipe and coat the frame.

Which reminds me I weighed it the other day, less the head, pipe, fluids and wiring. It was 305 lbs. I am hoping for well under 350 when all together. Might even be down around 330, that'd be sweet! It also has excellent weight distribution. Should be almost 50/50 when all together. Thinking we might lower the back 1/2 - 3/4". If we can get near the 65hp mark with 330 lbs, I'll be a happy camper!

Might need a chain guard and inner rear fender, that sucks. Lots of small details to work out yet. Hopefully be running in 2-3 weeks, might actually be some summer left.

Kicked it over a couple of times. Not looking forward to getting kicked back by this thing. The 72, has a small lever for decompression on the #1 cylinder. Think I'll put that back on. Maybe just have a plunger knob, beside the choke or something like that. Its a little shaft that rotates down and holds the exhaust valve from closing properly, should work well enough.




  1. You are much younger than I expected!

    Bike is taking shape nicely, congrats!

    1. I am!, Have a hard time reaching the ground:)
